General > New Member Introduction



Hello everyone. I joined this site to provide "insight" in one of your recent threads. But I hope to be helpful in other threads as well.

Yes, I bring "the other side" to this website forum, but not in opposition. We're ALL brothers and sisters here, in that we all believe in the Second Amendment and we all believe in carrying for our (and our families') protection. I will not get down on anyone here for choosing to carry concealed. Just as I would hope that no one here would get down on me for choosing to open carry.

Sometimes these choices are forced upon us. I tried to get my CCDW License. It was a long, drawn-out and frustrating process for me. It included an interview with the Attorney General's Office, and an appeal hearing (both very unnerving experiences). And while I'm perfctly permitted by law to possess firearms (and carry one daily), I am NOT permitted to carry concealed thanks to a few "instances" (not even criminal) in my criminal record, and what my bitter Ex-wife told the AG in her interview about me. So, since both the State and the judge didn't think it was "OK" for me to carry concealed, and Delaware is a "may issue" State, I cannot carry concealed.

But that doesn't stop me from carrying in the open.

And thank God that I do, because last November I had to use my firearm to defend my life. Two punks snuck up on me as soon as I got home from work, and jammed a gun into my ribs and demanded money. During a very short "conversation" (which felt like 3 hours) I drew my handgun and shot one of the attackers in the chest. Luckily I only had to fire one shot, which caused both of them to immediately run away. Long story short, the shooting was justified and I've been cleared of any charges.

Now, I must say, that had I not been carrying at all, or had I been carrying concealed, I truly believe that I'd be dead right now. The fact that I did NOT have to lift my jacket AND shirt up to access my firearm definitely saved my life. This was a life-and-death situation that lasted all of maybe 8 seconds. The exact position I and my attackers were in at the time would not have permitted me to easily and quickly access a concealed gun without being detected and possibly being shot first.

Does that mean I'm against CC? No, not at all. But since I cannot carry concealed, I am definitely an Open Carry advocate, but I'm also a Concealed Carry advocate. I believe that we all have a duty to carry protection for ourselves and our families. And it doesn't matter HOW we do it... what matters is that we choose to do it at all.

Well, enough about me. I'll try to be around if anyone has a question about OC, DELOC, or just wants to chat w/ another gun enthusiast.

Dave welcome and thanks for sharing your story its one that should be shared with everybody.

Welcome Dave. I wish more people felt the way you do about us all being brothers and sisters. I can't tell you how many people I talk to that just shoot skeet or trap and don't belong to NRA or other such groups because they don't feel they are a concern of anti gun groups.

Wow, Dave that is a moving story. Glad to see you were able to defend yourself. I'm new to the forum also but welcome.


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