General > New Member Introduction

Hello from a Point Shooting Advocate




My name is John Veit and I have a site on Point Shooting and self defense.

There is lots of FREE: information, articles, papers, studies, and stats on: Close Quarters Self Defense & Point Shooting on the site.

Included are the FBI papers on Handgun Wounding Factors and Effectiveness, and the 10 mm Pistol, plus articles and info on CAR, FAS, P&S, QK, our Fight or Flight response, and other self defense subjects such as Target Focus Fighting.

Many of the papers and articles are from the original sources (gun trainers and gun professionals), or approved by them as written. Some are by me.

Also included are the US Army's: Combat Training With Pistols M9 And M11 - FM 3-23.35 (2003), The US Marine Corps Pistol Marksmanship Manual (11/2003), and a digest of The US Army's fast, unaimed, and accurate rifle shooting method - Rifle quick Kill - TT 23-71-1.

You are welcome to drop in and help yourself to the info and articles.


As to why I am here, I recently wrote/updated a few articles: one on a fatal flaw of the 1911, one on the failure of Police handgun training, and one that asked the question: has your handgun training set you up to be killed. I posted two of them on a few sites, and to put it mildly, they were not received with thunderous applause :) :) :)

But what is, is what is. And not liking it won't change it.

IMHO, the info has practical value for those who may need to use a handgun in self defense.

And that thinking got me to make a web search for CCW - CHL sites or sites listing CCW. Their members most likely would be not just shooters, but shooters who have or carry a gun for the specific purpose of self defense, and as such, the info would be most relevant to them.

So here I am.

Let me say welcome and any info you share will be greatly appreciated.

gun nut:
Thank you for joining us

To those who have said welcome and/or expressed an interest in reading the info on the site, Thank you.

Here is a link to an article I just put up whose title is: Force Science Tests Show That Even Inexperienced Shooters Are Fast & Deadly Accurate Using Point Shooting. If you are a LEO or have a handgun for self defense, and are not familiar with the test results, could be worth your while to take a look at it.


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