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what will they do???

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The problem:  is that the US Constitution and Civics is not taught in schools today, or at least very few. The Liberal Progressives is just another name for "Socialism", and "Communism". Everything they espouse is the same as the old communist doctrine.

The reason: is that almost all colleges are run and taught  by Liberal Progressive professors and they teach the doctrine of Socialism. They teach that the Government is what and who you need to follow, and shall be the "god" of your life.

We have only ourselves to blame, because years ago we (the majority of Americans) fell away from God, Jesus Christ, and the church. Hardly anyone attends church or takes their children to "Sunday School" It is a complete breakdown of society, for which we will pay dearly.

I am an "old guy" and attend church every Sunday. I volunteer time to my church. I believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven, and yes there is a Heaven and Hell. And yes there are a lot of "nice" people in Hell, but no Godly people reside there.


--- Quote from: Just Bill on May 31, 2019, 11:02:42 AM ---Sorry about the way I said that.  You are not aware of the thinking of a progressive politician.  Look at the bunch of dems fighting over the nomination for President.  I would suggest that not a single one has read or understands the reasoning of the US Constitution.  It is a simple document but a lot of effort and thought went into its' creation.  Read it and the Federalist Papers which explains the logic behind it.

--- End quote ---

I have no illusions as to what the ‘progressive’ agenda is regarding the 2nd amendment– it is the complete disarming of the American citizen so that government has a monopoly of force.
Sturm - agree with you, schools are not places to learn anymore, they are indoctrination centers. It is astounding with the amount of information we have at hand how much we refuse to learn.

Well said Sturm. Actually it was very well said and I am with you completely on this. Regards to all at deccw.

I also am 110% agree with Sturm!
As a Christian we must continue with our belief and follow The teachings of Jesus Christ.
The battle continues between good and evil and I for one am glad I am on the good side and very pro 2nd amendment and anti-socialist.

Lots of people say they started to read the Bible (Book of Instructions Before Leaving Earth) but it is too hard to understand. True a lot of the Bible is written in parables and take some burning of the old gray matter to figure out. Well, I have read the Bible a couple of times and don't claim to be an expert, but I can tell you this with great confidence. Yes there is a real God, there is a real Jesus Christ, and yes in the End we, Christians win and are taken up Heaven, or at least our Spirits do. The earthly bodies, not so much. We will have incorruptible bodies, no pain, no suffering, no sickness, and no sorrows.

So the Book ends with us winning and the rest of the world losing(perishing). And I have it on good authority that when the Peace Treaty is signed by Israel and the Palestinians , that will mark the beginning of the Final 7 Years before Jesus Christ returns to rule the Earth.
Notice I didn't say the "End of the World"? It says in the Bible, "world without end" Amen.


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