State News & Gun News > Delaware News

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Just Bill:
Front page article this morning talking about the glee of us gun nuts for lack of unconstitutional behavior by the legislature.  The last part was my comment.  But it said we were happy.  Much of it was quotes from our beloved guv about other ways to do the same thing, violate the Constitution.  They MUST stop those pesky "assault rifles" and 'ghost guns' somehow or more children will be murdered.  He suggested that other states have violated their constitution, why shouldn't we??  Again, my interpretation.

 I am so fed up with these politicians, I hope it doesn't show too much.

Just Bill: one wants to comment on my comments???  Too dangerous and incendiary??  I, too often, tend to engage fingers way ahead of brain....

With senator McDowell retiring. You are going to have transvestite in there next. Media has practically anointed him. Tim/ Sarah McBride is more popular than Hillary by reading local media. Your not only one fed up with Dover. Soon be 22nd county of the People’s Republic of New Jersystan

Just Bill:
I read that this morning.  Seems like the normal progression of Delaware politics.  No one but a dem, regardless of how poorly qualified they are,  will ever be elected in that seat, unfortunately.


”Should McBride win, she would be joining an increasingly progressive lawmaking body in the First State, where freshman Democrats are pushing issues such as higher minimum wage and gun control.”

One D for another D.   


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