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Delaware's AG Partly Responsible for Gun Crime

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Here is a copy of the email I sent to Senators Sturgeon, Townsend, Poore and Mcbride with a copy to my Reps, Sen Lopez and Rep Smyk.


Delaware's Attorney General's Office has consistently plead down gun crimes to a lesser crime.  This sends the strong message to criminals that it is alright to us a gun in a crime.  Use a gun and you will not be charged with a gun crime in Delaware.  The AG's refusal to prosecute gun crimes is a slap in your faces.  You pass laws prohibiting gun use during a crime and then the AG ignores your efforts making the laws impotent.

Richmond, VA, in 1997, started Project Exile in conjunction with the Federal Government.  All gun crimes were transferred to a Federal Court where there were mandatory sentences, no bail and no early release.  As a result Richmond realized a reduction of 22 percent yearly in gun related crimes.

You can read about it here:

If Delaware were to adopt a similar program of actually consistently punishing gun crime then there would be a significant reduction in gun crime particularly in New Castle County and the City of Wilmington.  In addition, Delaware would get a no nonsense reputation in prosecuting gun crimes which would tell criminals not to dare to use a gun in Delaware.  I know of some people who refuse to go to Wilmington because of the crime, with or without guns, there.

You have a chance of making a good reduction in the crime in Delaware which will make it safer for everyone and should increase the number of people visiting Delaware because it is a safe place to go.  A significant reduction in crime would also help Wilmington to rebound and become a good place to visit.


Mark Beam

Now is the time to start pushing against anti-gun bills and to push for good gun laws..  We should not wait until January.  It may be too late if we do.

It will be interesting to see if you receive a response and if anything willl come of your letter

I'll let you know if I get any responses.  I resisted the urge to tell them that they should pass bills that work against crime and not to pass bills that punish law-biding citizens.

That said, more similar letters from other members may help to get some response.

Just Bill:
What he said, get the mail flowing!!!

I want to believe Sen Sturgen is coming around. (NO, I dont have rose colored glasses)
She took a CCDW class. Said she loved firing a Sig as a part of the class.

I extended an invitation to take her silhouette shooting which she accepted.  I dont know if she's looking for knowledge
so she does not get spanked again in committee or if she's changing a little. 


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