State News & Gun News > Over the pond

Great day for the UK

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There must be a feeling of total despair when an entire country loses it's heritage.  Especially a proud country with hundreds of years of prosperity.  Good thing that could never happen to us.  Because unlike the Brits we would take our country back!

I know.  It's just despair speaking.

Looks like the plan now is to have a second referendum and require a 2/3 vote.  They are already saying the vote is not binding.  

Typical politicians.  

Pretty clear today that the powers that be will not let this happen.

Violating  the will of the people is ok if democracy doesn't give the right result.  And guess what those poor saps can't do a thing about it.  Confiscated all that nasty stuff years ago.

This... This is pretty much how civil wars start. The government shows it true colors and total disregard for the peoples wishes anymore.


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