State News & Gun News > Over the pond

Great day for the UK

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The good people of England took back their country. They did not want any foreign group telling them how to run their country. Yes socialism failed for the Brits and I just hope our fellow citizens have learned something from this. There have been reports that the French could follow.   Later,

I believe Denmark may be the next to leave the EU.

Add Sweden, Greece, The Netherlands, Hungary and France for varying reasons and many have been outspoken about the EU for quite sometime now. Added to the mix is Scotland seriously looking to split from the UK and this could be the turning point for them to do so.

Like I said.. Some very interesting times happening in the near future how this all plays out.

Main stream media, the liberal aristocracy and the beltway crowd are acting as if the sky is falling.  

Must be a good thing then.

Anytime sovereignty is brought closer to home it is a good thing. Rule and regulation by bureaucratic dictators in Brussels has been rejected.  Remember a few years ago when Brussels tried to ban dipping bread in olive oil in restaurants. 

The hyperbole of the "remain" side was really off the wall.  Look at Norway and Switzerland.  They seem to be doing fine without being members of the EU


Sadly.. most countries, including the US have lost their sovereignty for the most part these days. Hopefully this helps the UK regain some of its sovereignty.


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