State News & Gun News > Over the pond

Canadian refuge from Trump? Really?



Mush headed Canadians want Americans to move to Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia if Trump is elected. 

Let's send Adrenolin up there to talk some sense into their heads. 🤔

Full disclosure: I love Atlantic Canada so this hurts.


--- Quote from: Clarence on September 21, 2016, 02:05:32 AM ---

Mush headed Canadians want Americans to move to Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia if Trump is elected.  

Let's send Adrenolin up there to talk some sense into their heads. 🤔

Full disclosure: I love Atlantic Canada so this hurts.

--- End quote ---
Let's encourage Adrenolin to pitch Cape Breton in NCC. First question to prospective emigants; are you Democrat or Republican?  Tell the latter to never mind. Might be the key to flipping Delaware.  They would love Canadian gun control laws.

Americans that say they will go to Canada if Trump is elected are racist. Why is it they never say they are going to mexico if Trump is elected?

I've seen many people say they would go to Canada if Trump is elected. From movie stars to internet trolls. Oh, if they only would. Don't tease us. please go. Please, Please, Please, with sugar on it.

If he doesn't win I just may move BACK to Canada  ;D


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