Author Topic: Glock 42  (Read 1516 times)


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Glock 42
« on: February 01, 2016, 12:31:51 PM »
I wanted a G43 but couldn't get my hands on one. I felt like I settled for this pistol and walked away feeling like I may have made a mistake. The only mistake I made was not buying one sooner. People are now carrying 380 auto's in their pocket including quite a few of my buddies carrying a Ruger LCP or similar pocket semi-auto pistol. I prefer this pistol and have confidence in the 380 ammo I use. It alleviated my concerns with this pistol. Penetration is not a problem at 1300 fps!

Pros: small and light, kind of belly pistol for point and shoot, fun to shoot, price is right, pull the trigger and it's guaranteed to fire.

Cons: ammo is more expensive although this is not my range gun, my wife doesn't like the explosion so close to her hand and prefers the Walther PPS for that reason (may make a trade), 43 is 9mm and people may prefer that pistol instead however with the right ammo this pistol is just as good with slightly less recoil. I would say it only holds 6 rounds but that is how these pocket pistols are designed. If you have a problem with that get a G26.

Overall this gun stacks up with the 43 and I changed the floor plates to add 1 round and to get my pinky on the grip. I have as much confidence in the 42 as any conceal carry pistol I own. This "get off me scumbag" pistol is easy to hide and more importantly easy to conceal.

"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters. "
Noah Webster
 American Lexicographer