State News & Gun News > Over the pond

way over the pond.



Thanks. Wife and I found that interesting.

This really makes you think about the magnitude of the situation we all find ourselves in on a local, state, and federal level. Contact your politicians without haste and let your voice be heard, even if you feel it makes no difference, stand up and be counted amongst your peers for all of our rights. Join the NRA and actively encourage others to do so. Seek and find like minded organizations, and lend your support. There are ways to contact all of your representatives through the NRA website, and I believe Ruger has even got a portal to all state reps and senators. Don't allow these people who are suppose to represent the common good believe for one minute that a decision which treads on our inalienable rights will be met with impunity. We are the voice of the country. Talk amongst your peers not only in a local venue, such as this one, but look for national venues to spread the word. In this case silence is not golden, it is a death sentence for our Second Amendment rights, and all of our rights this administration decides to attack after this.


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