Author Topic: The Iron Lady passes on  (Read 4727 times)


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The Iron Lady passes on
« on: April 08, 2013, 03:10:50 PM »
I understand that Margaret Thatcher passed away. Sad to see her go, but the great ones do so soon, it seems.
I for one think America and England lived through some of their greatest days in history under Thatcher and President Ronald Reagan.
England was a heading towards a total Socialist nation when Thatcher came into power. The Government controlled eveything in business, industry, education, etc. The Iron Lady lowered taxes, cut spending and freed up business and industry, so it could prosper and it did. Now we here in America are heading, under Obama, right down the tubes to Socialism, as England was. The people of the US don't seem to have the mental capacity to understand this. No country in history has ever  survived and prosperred under Socialism. It always ends in war and bloodshed. We have always heard kids in school say, "why do I have to know about history of the past? I don't see why I need to know about things that happened years ago? What does that have to do with us now?" Well the answer is when you don't know the mistakes of the past, you are bound to repeat them.
And we are repeating the mistakes of the past by others. The definition of a "fool" is someone that keeps trying to do the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result. Socialism will always end badly.

God Bless "The Iron Lady"
and God Help America

I reserve the right to not be perfect.


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Re: The Iron Lady passes on
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 08:34:09 PM »
Amen brother.
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Re: The Iron Lady passes on
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2013, 01:21:01 PM »
This great leader’s passing diminishes us all.  There appear to be no replacements on the horizon.
Proud resident of Kent County DE


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Re: The Iron Lady passes on
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2013, 04:53:37 PM »
Margaret Thatcher was a staunch Conservative member of the Tory Party, that took England from the brink of Socialism to prosperity.
There's talk of a comparison of her and Hillary Clinton. I'll have to agree. They are both of the female gender, and that's where it stops.

Hillary Clinton is a Liberal Leftist espousing the Socialist/Communist Doctrin. She was a staunch student of Chineese Communist Leader Mao and wrote college thesis on the subject of the Marxist/Communist Doctrin.

I hope people will use the brain God gave them come the 2014-2016 election season. The left is Money and Power hungry and plans to take down America. Chip, chip, chip. They have been slowly working on this for nearly 100 years. Now it's time, they feel, to rachet up the attack. They have no concern for America, other than to destroy it because it stands between them and the world. They seek a One World Order . Oh, isn't that just what Joe Biden was talking about the other day? Isn't he planning to run in 2016 also? It doesn't matter who wins on the Left, they all are reading and following the Saul Alinsky "Rules for Radicals". It's their "play book" for take over. If you don't know these 12 "rules" you better learn them. They are available on the web, Google them. It's really handy having the oppositions play book.

You can't let the other guy or gal do it.

I reserve the right to not be perfect.


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Re: The Iron Lady passes on
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2013, 12:51:19 AM »
Margaret Thatcher was a staunch Conservative member of the Tory Party, that took England from the brink of Socialism to prosperity.
There's talk of a comparison of her and Hillary Clinton. I'll have to agree. They are both of the female gender, and that's where it stops.

Hillary Clinton is a Liberal Leftist espousing the Socialist/Communist Doctrin. She was a staunch student of Chineese Communist Leader Mao and wrote college thesis on the subject of the Marxist/Communist Doctrin.

I hope people will use the brain God gave them come the 2014-2016 election season. The left is Money and Power hungry and plans to take down America. Chip, chip, chip. They have been slowly working on this for nearly 100 years. Now it's time, they feel, to rachet up the attack. They have no concern for America, other than to destroy it because it stands between them and the world. They seek a One World Order . Oh, isn't that just what Joe Biden was talking about the other day? Isn't he planning to run in 2016 also? It doesn't matter who wins on the Left, they all are reading and following the Saul Alinsky "Rules for Radicals". It's their "play book" for take over. If you don't know these 12 "rules" you better learn them. They are available on the web, Google them. It's really handy having the oppositions play book.

You can't let the other guy or gal do it.

Biden being the next Presidential candidate would be the single most fortunate event the Republican Party could ever hope for in their wildest hallucinations.


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Re: The Iron Lady passes on
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2013, 01:48:37 PM »
Hate to disagree with you SunGun, but Biden would be a cinch to take not only Delaware, but Most all of the Liberal/Progressive states. But, he would have to beat out Hillary, the Socialist/Communist first.
The sad reality of this nation is it's people are on the dole for a hand-out from any and all that will give them anything. They no longer have a backbone to stand up and fend for themselves. People are no longer responsible, but instead they feel entitled.
The day of a person going to school, college, getting a job,  working hard, saving, and investing for their future are gone. The reason we have this "nanny state" situation is because people think it is up to the Government to take care of them.
Who was it that said that, "a Government that can give you anything, can also take everything from you"? That may not be an exact quote, but it's d--n close.

I reserve the right to not be perfect.


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Re: The Iron Lady passes on
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2013, 02:16:04 PM »
"If your government is big enough to give you everything you want, it is big enough to take away everything you have." – Thomas Jefferson

Thousands of immigrants that fled socialist/communist and dictatorial regimes have told us repeatedly that it sneaks up on you.  They told us that good people saw it coming and did nothing.  I guess we never listened.  The UK listened once.  But the US is deaf now.
Proud resident of Kent County DE

Re: The Iron Lady passes on
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2013, 05:19:02 AM »
Hate to disagree with you SunGun, but Biden would be a cinch to take not only Delaware, but Most all of the Liberal/Progressive states. But, he would have to beat out Hillary, the Socialist/Communist first.
The sad reality of this nation is it's people are on the dole for a hand-out from any and all that will give them anything. They no longer have a backbone to stand up and fend for themselves. People are no longer responsible, but instead they feel entitled.
The day of a person going to school, college, getting a job,  working hard, saving, and investing for their future are gone. The reason we have this "nanny state" situation is because people think it is up to the Government to take care of them.
Who was it that said that, "a Government that can give you anything, can also take everything from you"? That may not be an exact quote, but it's d--n close.

Yes and liberals in most cases traded the hand outs for votes and it will only continue. I really think it would be interesting to see how liberal candidates would do if you were not able to vote while living on the public dough for say more than two years. That way the bleeding hearts could not claim someone was just down on their luck and I am not lumping social security, medicare or unemployment into this. People work for those. They might get lots more than they pay in but those do require WORK, which is a four letter word to most Obama voters.

I know it will never happen ( representation only with taxation), but the reality is that it as a nation our initial gripe was taxation without representation, but yet a president has won two terms and I would really be curious of his vote counts among those who work and pay taxes.
"We are all entitled to our own opinions, but we are not entitled to our own facts"