I just got a set of CTC laser grips for my Smith & Wesson 642. The stock grips are rather punishing to shoot and with the size of my hands I have trouble kepping a good grip for follow up shots. I purchased the LG405 model that has a air space located on the top of the back strap and Crimson Trace claim a 30% reduction in felt recoil. Overall they are the same size as the stock S&W rubber and the gun slides into my pocket without any extra buldge. I got them for $220 from Blue Hen Firearms. He also mounted them for me and laser zeroed them for for $5. Took it to the range and I gotta say they shoot very nice. The laser was spot on and required no adjustments. The activation button pops the laser on and off perfectly and the gun is much more controllable compared to the stock grip. My recoil force measuring device is in the shop (lol) so I can't tell you if the 30% claim is accurate but is was a noticeble difference. The CTC grip has a slight , and I do mean slight, buldge on the side and it really helps fill my hand. Overall I would say that these grips make this gun much more shootable and that allows me to feel compfortable carring it. Oh and the laser works perfectly not to mention looks really cool in the dark.