I needed a part for my Saiga-12: after many thousands of rounds, a small metal shield that sits halfway down the recoil spring broke off.
While the shotgun was perfectly functional without it, I understand that the engineers didn't manufacture and install the part for fun, so I wanted to replace it.
Bad news: none of the so-called Saiga 'experts' in the USA could get the part. With the crappy, low-resolution parts diagrams on English language Saiga sites, I couldn't even come up with an accurate description or part number.
So, I said to Mrs. OGG, "If only someone who spoke Russian could look online and identify this part properly."
About ten minutes later, she said, "Is this it? It translates as 'ejection port cover.'"
Her sister's husband went to his local gun shop in Russia, but they couldn't provide it.
So, he called the Kalashnikov factory in Ishmash.
Guess what just came in the mail from Russia today?
It's good to have business dealings with the Russians!