Author Topic: And Zimmerman is not guilty. Your thoughts?  (Read 24498 times)

formerly known as frank

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Re: And Zimmerman is not guilty. Your thoughts?
« Reply #45 on: July 18, 2013, 03:37:00 PM »
There is also the issue of the dole. When you have been on the dole for a considerable length of time, or even for your entire life, you come to believe that you are entitled to that dole—that it belongs to you as a right.
 Then, all of your perceptions are colored by those feelings of entitlement and ownership. You begin to imagine that, since you're being given stuff, everybody must be being given stuff, just as you are.
 So then you have to question why some people have more and better stuff than you do. Why are they being given all of this better stuff? Why are they more favored by the gods of the handout than you are?
 And then the anger against this "injustice" rises in your breast, and then, since nobody has ever taught you self-restraint or social responsibility, you strike out in anger against this perceived injustice, under which you seem to be suffering.
 At best, you break into other people's houses and steal the better, more abundant stuff that they have been "given." At worst, you beat up, or even kill, those better-endowed people who have more and better stuff than you do.
 And when you're caught and punished, you and your friends see it as unfair and unjust. After all, you were just taking what might just as well been given to you. So why are you being punished?
 So your friends riot to protest that perceived injustice. But the funny thing is that your friends riot and bust-up your own neighborhood, probably because it's convenient, but also possibly because you're a little afraid to bust-up the folks who have been "given" more stuff, because of their friends, the police.
 And anyway, after you've busted-up your neighborhood, you know that the gods of the gimme will just rebuild it for you, free.
 So the cycle is perpetuated. You and your friends never learn responsibility or restraint. And on it goes.
Not my words, copied from the USCCA site.


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Re: And Zimmerman is not guilty. Your thoughts?
« Reply #46 on: July 18, 2013, 06:47:19 PM »
Just GET OVER IT! Zimmerman was found NOt GUILTY,keep Sharpton, Jackson and the NAACP out of this.And Keep Noboma and the government out.I'am sure there are other things they can find to do without wasting the tax payers money on a fed.investigation.


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Re: And Zimmerman is not guilty. Your thoughts?
« Reply #47 on: July 19, 2013, 12:09:03 AM »
A panel of women on a talk show confirmed the issue.  “ Zimmerman chose to be there. He chose to be neighborhood watch person.  He chose to call the police.  He chose to follow Trayvon.  He chose to stand his ground.  He chose to kill someone so that he may stay alive.  He chose to murder for his own survival.”

They were trying to make him a murderer. Think about that for minute.
Proud resident of Kent County DE

Re: And Zimmerman is not guilty. Your thoughts?
« Reply #48 on: July 19, 2013, 01:26:33 AM »
There is also the issue of the dole. When you have been on the dole for a considerable length of time, or even for your entire life, you come to believe that you are entitled to that dole—that it belongs to you as a right.
 Then, all of your perceptions are colored by those feelings of entitlement and ownership. You begin to imagine that, since you're being given stuff, everybody must be being given stuff, just as you are.
 So then you have to question why some people have more and better stuff than you do. Why are they being given all of this better stuff? Why are they more favored by the gods of the handout than you are?
 And then the anger against this "injustice" rises in your breast, and then, since nobody has ever taught you self-restraint or social responsibility, you strike out in anger against this perceived injustice, under which you seem to be suffering.
 At best, you break into other people's houses and steal the better, more abundant stuff that they have been "given." At worst, you beat up, or even kill, those better-endowed people who have more and better stuff than you do.
 And when you're caught and punished, you and your friends see it as unfair and unjust. After all, you were just taking what might just as well been given to you. So why are you being punished?
 So your friends riot to protest that perceived injustice. But the funny thing is that your friends riot and bust-up your own neighborhood, probably because it's convenient, but also possibly because you're a little afraid to bust-up the folks who have been "given" more stuff, because of their friends, the police.
 And anyway, after you've busted-up your neighborhood, you know that the gods of the gimme will just rebuild it for you, free.
 So the cycle is perpetuated. You and your friends never learn responsibility or restraint. And on it goes.
Not my words, copied from the USCCA site.

Glad other people see it. There are places on the net that are so afraid having that conversation because of "public image" not realizing that nothing will change if we dont look at the problems.

It is also great to be part of a site were people are not afraid to say this or other things. I might not always agree with opinions, but I do respect the rights of people to their  opinions.
"We are all entitled to our own opinions, but we are not entitled to our own facts"

Re: And Zimmerman is not guilty. Your thoughts?
« Reply #49 on: July 19, 2013, 01:29:36 AM »
A panel of women on a talk show confirmed the issue.  “ Zimmerman chose to be there. He chose to be neighborhood watch person.  He chose to call the police.  He chose to follow Trayvon.  He chose to stand his ground.  He chose to kill someone so that he may stay alive.  He chose to murder for his own survival.”

They were trying to make him a murderer. Think about that for minute.

People can make him a murderer if america lets them. It is a sick society ( see 08, 12, election results). Ultimately if certain groups like the NAACP, SPLC, ACLU and groups like that want his tail they might get those federal charges.

I don't agree with it, but see the changes ( not not all good) that have happened.
"We are all entitled to our own opinions, but we are not entitled to our own facts"


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Re: And Zimmerman is not guilty. Your thoughts?
« Reply #50 on: July 19, 2013, 03:20:24 AM »
A panel of women on a talk show confirmed the issue.  “ Zimmerman chose to be there. He chose to be neighborhood watch person.  He chose to call the police.  He chose to follow Trayvon.  He chose to stand his ground.  He chose to kill someone so that he may stay alive.  He chose to murder for his own survival.”

They were trying to make him a murderer. Think about that for minute.

Talk shows are just that: talk. They have celebrities on there, not individuals educated on the facts. Celebrities to catch the public eye. I take everything they say with less than a grain of salt.
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Re: And Zimmerman is not guilty. Your thoughts?
« Reply #51 on: July 19, 2013, 12:45:01 PM »
me 2
New Castle County


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Re: And Zimmerman is not guilty. Your thoughts?
« Reply #52 on: July 19, 2013, 03:19:47 PM »
A panel of women on a talk show confirmed the issue.

I do not know what show you are talking about but if it is "The View" you probably should put a disclaimer on you post warning everybody that their "opinions" in no way, shape, or form represents logical thinking and will make your head hurt.

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Re: And Zimmerman is not guilty. Your thoughts?
« Reply #53 on: July 19, 2013, 03:23:51 PM »
It is a crazy world when you can point to Charles Barkley as a voice of reason.  I may not agree with everything he says but he is sure going int he right direction.

Well, I agreed with the verdict. I feel sorry that young kid got killed. But they didn't have enough evidence to charge him. Something clearly went wrong that night. Clearly something went wrong. I feel bad for anybody who loses a kid, but if you looked at the case and you don't make it -- there was some racial profiling, no question about it. But something happened that changed the dynamic of that night, and I know -- that's probably not a popular opinion among most people but just looking at the evidence I agreed with the verdict.
And let me tell you, Mr. Zimmerman was wrong to pursue -- he was racial profiling. I think Trayvon Martin, God rest his soul, I think he did flip the switch and started beating the hell out of Mr. Zimmerman. But it was just a bad situation. And like I said, the main thing I feel bad for, it gives every black and white person who is racist a platform to vent their ignorance.

The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they suppress.
Sussex County

formerly known as frank

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Re: And Zimmerman is not guilty. Your thoughts?
« Reply #54 on: July 19, 2013, 04:04:54 PM »
After the trial evidence, 16 weeks of FBI investigation, the Zimmerman prosecuter saying there was no racism in the case, this is NOT an example of racial profiling. Holder, Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, the NAACP, the left-wing media, are all trying very hard to make the cases for racism, where there is none. The question is why are they doing this? It only serves to further drive the stake which is dividing the races. "Some people" believe it is a deliberate attemp to further their agendas. Instead of dividing the country's different factions, this President should step up, actually BE President, and try to put this country back together. If he does not, it may prove "some people" to be correct in their thinking.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 08:49:19 PM by frank »

Re: And Zimmerman is not guilty. Your thoughts?
« Reply #55 on: July 19, 2013, 04:07:38 PM »
It is a crazy world when you can point to Charles Barkley as a voice of reason.  I may not agree with everything he says but he is sure going int he right direction.

Well, I agreed with the verdict. I feel sorry that young kid got killed. But they didn't have enough evidence to charge him. Something clearly went wrong that night. Clearly something went wrong. I feel bad for anybody who loses a kid, but if you looked at the case and you don't make it -- there was some racial profiling, no question about it. But something happened that changed the dynamic of that night, and I know -- that's probably not a popular opinion among most people but just looking at the evidence I agreed with the verdict.
And let me tell you, Mr. Zimmerman was wrong to pursue -- he was racial profiling. I think Trayvon Martin, God rest his soul, I think he did flip the switch and started beating the hell out of Mr. Zimmerman. But it was just a bad situation. And like I said, the main thing I feel bad for, it gives every black and white person who is racist a platform to vent their ignorance.

He will get called a "sell out" or "uncle tom" because of that one.
"We are all entitled to our own opinions, but we are not entitled to our own facts"


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Re: And Zimmerman is not guilty. Your thoughts?
« Reply #56 on: July 19, 2013, 08:11:00 PM »
Frank, you are so right!
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Re: And Zimmerman is not guilty. Your thoughts?
« Reply #57 on: July 20, 2013, 02:10:58 PM »
A panel of women on a talk show confirmed the issue.

I do not know what show you are talking about but if it is "The View" you probably should put a disclaimer on you post warning everybody that their "opinions" in no way, shape, or form represents logical thinking and will make your head hurt.

We need a "like" button on here.
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Re: And Zimmerman is not guilty. Your thoughts?
« Reply #58 on: July 20, 2013, 11:01:06 PM »
The main point the Charles Barkley made in my mind was that All Racist AreNnot White. Sharpton and Jackson are certainly Black Racist, and Race Baiters! It's the only thing that gives them wealth and power. I wonder what God thinks of these so called "Reverends"?

I reserve the right to not be perfect.


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Re: And Zimmerman is not guilty. Your thoughts?
« Reply #59 on: July 21, 2013, 03:41:10 PM »
People need to move on. People need to stop saying this had anything to do with race, profiling, Stand Your Ground, went looking for a confrontation, vigilantism, hunted down anyone, etc as there is absolutely NO proof that points to any of this. The press, the hate mongrels, the race haters, the politically empowered and the POTUS need to shut the hell up.

Zimmerman was doing his public and community service as a volunteer community watch and came upon someone who had no reason to be in their gated community and was suspicious. He followed this person while at the same time contacting the authorities. Personally I think he made a bad choice in getting out of the car that night but that was his choice and the authorities on the phone didn't tell him not to.

In the end the only person alive today is the only person who truly knows what happened that night and there is no proof that points to anything but his words regardless of what anyone thinks. You, them nor I will ever  know exactly what happened that night!

He was prosecuted, went to trial and, by jury, was found Not Guilty. This should be End Of Story!